Educate, Exonerate, Instigate


Through participation in the Innocence & Justice Clinics, students learn about the causes of wrongful convictions while applying this knowledge to the investigation of cases where evidence can prove a client’s innocence. Educate, Exonerate, Instigate.

Core Components

  • Weekly one-on-one case meetings
  • 8-10 hours of case work per week (minimum 110 case work hours)

The Work

  • Review correspondence, applications from inmates
  • Contact defense attorneys, DAs to obtain documents, evidence
  • Interview clients in prisons
  • Investigate crime scenes, interview witnesses
  • Litigate motions
    • For DNA testing
    • For discovery
    • Substantive Motions for Appropriate Relief
    • Federal Habeas
    • Clemency Proceedings

Clinic Director

Professional headshot of Mark Rabil.
  • Over 2,000 cases reviewed
  • 20+ cases in litigation (post-conviction motions in state and federal courts, parole hearings, gubernatorial clemency proceedings)
  • 300+ former I&J students, including more than a dozen prosecutors, working for justice around the country