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The court hears cases, which are assigned by the Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court, involving complex and significant issues of corporate and commercial law.

The Honorable Judge Michael L. Robinson, Special Superior Court Judge for Complex Business Cases, became the first Business Court Judge resident in the Chambers at Wake Forest when the Chambers and Courtroom were completed here in 2017. Since that time, he has regularly conducted hearings at Wake Forest. Additionally, other Business Court Judges, along with Judge Robinson, conduct hearings at the Wake Forest Business Court courtroom. The court also holds hearings in Charlotte, Greensboro and Raleigh. Wake Forest Law alumni are either currently serving as law clerks or have previously served for Business Court judges at all of the Court’s four locations.

Published decisions in recent cases and more detailed information about the court can be found on the NC Business Court website.

The courtroom at Wake Forest Law employs the latest technology including flat screen monitors to display motions, briefs, and other documents, as well as videoconferencing capabilities.