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Wake Forest Law is committed to helping you practice what you learn. Through several outstanding programs—some curricular, some extracurricular, and some co-curricular—students work, argue, research, write, and practice, often while helping citizens in need. Our approach tightly integrates study, practice, and experience—and it develops great lawyers.

Students who have completed at least three semesters of the requirements for a JD are eligible to enroll in a clinic and be certified to provide supervised representation to clients. For more information on the rules governing practical training for law students in North Carolina, see 27 N.C.A.C. Chapter 1C, Section .0200.

Enrollment & Policies

Students who have completed at least three semesters of law school are generally eligible to enroll in a clinic. Clinic Week will be held each semester, and students can learn more about all of the experiential learning opportunities available and the specific requirements for each program.