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A view of Wait Chapel on the campus of Wake Forest University during daytime. The picture represents the JD/MDiv program

Under an arrangement between the Wake Forest University School of Law and Divinity School, students may pursue a Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree while completing their Juris Doctor (JD). The JD/Master of Divinity (JD/MDiv) joint degree program promotes an interdisciplinary conversation between religion and law, provides a different vocational perspective not found in the single law or divinity concentration, and enriches the professional knowledge and experience of students who want to pursue careers in law or divinity.

The JD/MDiv joint degree program prepares students from diverse ministry experiences and theological perspectives for religious leadership and will benefit students who are interested in pursuing careers in the professions of law and clergy.

Notify the Law School

Students must notify the Law School of their intention to pursue a joint degree before undertaking the program.