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The School of Law recognizes the critical importance of global issues for its students. Apart from numerous curricular opportunities in Winston-Salem, our students have available to them a wide range of foreign LLM and SJD students at the Law School, two summer study programs in Venice and London, and possibilities for experiences as exchange students abroad. We have a formal exchange relationship with the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, the University of Padua in Venice, Italy, and EBS University of Business and Law in Wiesbaden, Germany. We foresee additional offerings in the near future.

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JD students who want to study abroad for a semester should contact Associate Dean Sarah Morath

How Does It Work?

Credit earned during the semester on a foreign campus will be transferred to the Wake Forest transcript. The amount of transferable credit will be agreed with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs before the program. Exchange study abroad will not normally delay graduation from law school. Instead, it provides an enormous study possibility and expanded potential for employment, especially for students who are interested in international transactions and business law. Internship opportunities in a foreign country may also be available. Wake Forest Law tuition will be paid during the semester abroad with no additional tuition owed to the host institution. Some modest student fees, however, will be paid to the host institution. The student will arrange for all travel and accommodations. Application and registration assistance is available from the Law School and from the host institution. The optimal semesters for visiting as an exchange student abroad will be either spring of the 2L year or fall of the 3L year.

Why Participate in Study Exchange?

These exchanges provide significant cultural and educational advantages for our JD students. In addition to immersion in the legal culture of a foreign country, students have the opportunity to develop relationships with foreign legal professionals and students.

Upon completion of their exchange program, students will:

  1. Demonstrate familiarity with a body of law taught at a foreign law school.
  2. Understand comparative approaches to law.
  3. Distinguish the business and social environment of a foreign country from their home country.
  4. Distinguish the cultural expectations of the placement country from their home country.

The University of International Business and Economics has a premier law school with deep experience working with non-Chinese law students. Classes available to our students are conducted in English and encompass an excellent range of courses with a focus on business, international economics and trade, and environmental issues. Of course, the opportunity to live and study in Beijing, potentially working on Mandarin skills as well, is enormous. Opportunities in Italy include studying at the University of Padua. 


Wake Forest Law Students

To be eligible to attend any one of the exchange programs, a Wake Forest Law student must have completed their first-year with a GPA of at least 2.33. A second-year or third-year Wake Forest Law student must be in good standing.