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Both Wake Forest students and non-Wake students are required to submit the following. Please download, complete, and turn in the forms at least one month prior to your departure to the WFU Center for Global Programs and Studies (GPS). Please review the Wake Forest University International Travel Policy for more information. 

  1. Student Assumption of Risk and Release Form: This is a legal document. Please read carefully.
  2. Student Health Questionnaire
  3. GeoBlue International Application for Students: Purchasing GeoBlue international health insurance is mandatory. Visit the GeoBlue Price Grid for information about costs. You can also view the GeoBlue Student Member Guide for more information.
  1. Individual Student International Travel Form: This form must be submitted online as soon as possible prior to traveling so there is sufficient time to register your travel and purchase international health insurance. Once you have completed this form online, you must submit the remaining forms below to GPS via hardcopy to 116 Reynolda Hall or by email to
  2. GeoBlue International Health Insurance Application for Students: Purchasing GeoBlue international health insurance is mandatory. Visit the GeoBlue Price Grid for information about costs. You can also view the GeoBlue Student Member Guide for more information.
  3. Student Assumption of Risk and Release Form: If you plan to travel with another person (e.g. spouse or child), the form called Assumption of Risk & Release – OTHER Travelers must be completed for each additional person.
  4. Student Health Questionnaire

All students, faculty, and staff traveling abroad are required to receive an International Security Briefing from GPS to help prepare you for your time abroad. For more information contact GPS at 336.758.5938 or Additionally, you may visit WFU Center for Global Programs and Studies Travel Forms website for more information about studying abroad.

For non-Wake students, if you would like to mail in your required forms, please mail them to this address:

Attn: Christi Hardwick
Graduate Programs Office
Wake Forest University School of Law
P.O. Box 7206
1834 Wake Forest Rd.
Winston-Salem, NC 27109