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Wake Forest Law grad and another person engage with one another following commencement

Which law school to attend is one of the most significant career decisions you’ll make. We want to help you experience as much as you can before making your decision—walking around campus, seeing the interactions between students and professors, and exploring all of the curricular and student life opportunities Wake Forest Law has to offer.

Whether virtually or in person, let us welcome you to Winston-Salem, to the Forest, and to the Law School.

Schedule a Visit

Visit us in person to get a feel for our Wake Forest community and the broader Winston-Salem community. Connect with current students, attend a class, take a student-led tour of the Law School, and get to know the city.

Schedule a Visit

Take a Virtual Tour

While no virtual experience can match walking through the Worrell courtyard in person, this virtual tour can help give you a sense of the physical spaces where you’ll spend most of your law school career.

Take a Virtual Tour

Find Us at a Recruiting Event

Admissions representatives attend various law fairs throughout the semester. Be sure to stop by our table.

Find Us at a Recruiting Event

Worrell Professional Center, Suite 1204
1965 Wake Forest Road | Winston-Salem, NC 27109
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