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While Binding Decision applicants are evaluated according to the same admission standards as all other applicants, these applicants’ strong demonstrated interest in attending Wake Forest Law will also be considered by the Admissions Committee.

Applicants who apply through the Binding Decision program may apply to other law schools, but they may not maintain more than one active binding application at any one time (including Wake Forest Law).

If an applicant has already submitted a binding application to another law school, the applicant may apply to Wake Forest Law’s Binding Decision program if, and only if, they are released from their binding commitment to attend the other law school, which would include a decision from the other school to not admit the applicant (e.g., deny, waitlist) through the binding program at that school.

An applicant is only released from their binding commitment to attend Wake Forest Law once/if they receive a decision (other than being admitted) to the Binding Decision program.

Once an applicant has submitted a Binding Decision application, the applicant cannot request to have the application moved to the regular non-binding application pool.

Applicants admitted through the Binding Decision program are committed to attending Wake Forest University School of Law and must withdraw all other law school applications within five calendar days of being admitted. Admitted applicants must also refrain from submitting any new law school applications through October 5 of the following fall. Applicants cannot defer an acceptance.


Complete Your ApplicationReceive a Decision
By November 1By December 1
By December 1By December 23
By February 1By March 1
By April 1By May 1
After April 1Within 15 business days* or by May 15, whichever is later
*Business days exclude all Saturdays, Sundays, and U.S. federal holidays, as well as scheduled and unscheduled holidays and closures of Wake Forest University.

Apply Now

Complete the online application on the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) website.

Options When Applying Binding Decision