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On Being American: Picking Up the Mantle from Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

“Reality is what humans make of it—there’s no fatalistic tinge to it. If we want justice we have to work for it and believe it’s possible.” Professor Shannon Gilreath When Professor Shannon Gilreath and Professor Emerita Suzanne Reynolds were approached by the American Bar Association […]

Professor Abby Perdue Becomes President of the Legal Writing Institute 

Professor Abby Perdue speaking into a microphone

This past July, Wake Forest Law Professor Abby Perdue officially began her term of president of the Legal Writing Institute (LWI). LWI is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving legal communication, building the discipline of legal writing, and improving the status of legal writing faculty […]

Wake Forest Law Welcomes New Board and Council Members

The Wake Forest Law Office of Development and Alumni Engagement is pleased to welcome 22 new members who joined the Law Board of Visitors and Rose Council for their three-year terms on July 1, 2024. “Welcoming these dedicated volunteers at such a pivotal moment in […]

Hitting a Home Run with the Dr. Ralph Peeples Law Scholarship

When Wake Forest Law alumni hear the name Ralph Peeples, they think of a dedicated professor, a kind human being, and a man who sure loved baseball. Yes, Ralph Peeples was all of these things, but he was also much more. And what better way […]

Class of 2024 Graduates Argue in Federal Circuits

Two members of the Class of 2024 argued in federal circuits this past semester, as part of the Appellate Advocacy Clinic directed by Professor John Korzen (’91). Both argued in appeals in which the courts had appointed the Clinic to represent indigent individuals. On May […]

Measuring Success, One Student at a Time

Wake Forest Law Dean Andy Klein Reflects on His First Year on the Job For Dean Andy Klein, making sure students remain at the center of operations at Wake Forest Law is a top priority. “We owe them our full attention and our best efforts,” […]

Interview with Professor Marie-Amélie George

Despite the historical and current barriers faced by the queer community—a subject she has dedicated her research to—Wake Forest Law Professor Marie-Amélie George is an eternal optimist.  “Law can only do so much, but when we look back on history, it offers a lot of […]

Interview with Professor Brenda Gibson

Wake Forest Law Professor Brenda Gibson never set out to become a teacher—especially not a professor of legal writing. Although she is a natural writer, she struggled through her first semester of legal writing in law school. “Legal writing is this very technical, almost mathematic […]

Interview with Professor Meghan Boone

When I ask Professor Meghan Boone, a fourth-generation Floridian, whether she misses Florida, she smiles. “In February,” she says, while wearing her maroon sweater. But any other time of year, she’s content. Winston-Salem is home now that her family is within an hour and a […]

Three Wake Forest Law Professors Achieve Tenure

In addition to being attorneys and teaching at a world-class university, Wake Forest Law Professors Meghan Boone, Marie-Amélie George, and Brenda Gibson all have one thing in common: they all got tenure this year. However, that’s where their similarities end. Professor Boone, for example, attended […]
