Scott Schang

Scott Schang

Professor of Practice
Director of Environmental Law and Policy Clinic

Scott Schang is an expert on environmental law and governance. He is a Professor of Practice at Wake Forest where he directs the School's Environmental Law and Policy Clinic. He is also senior advisor on corporate engagement at Landesa, an international land rights NGO, where he advises on Landesa's work on responsible investment in land. He has extensive experience working with corporations, multilateral investment banks, international development agencies, international and local civil society partners, and community members in designing and implementing socially responsible practices and in designing and assessing the efficacy of environmental legal systems. He is past Acting President and Executive Vice President at the Environmental Law Institute, former Editor of the Environmental Law Reporter, and was in private practice with Cleary, Gottlieb, and Latham & Watkins.


  • JD, magna cum laude, Georgetown University Law Center, 1994
  • BA in Studies in the Environment and English, cum laude, Yale University, 1988



Book Chapters

  • Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment as a Tool for Promoting Public Participation in International Watercourse Management, in Enhancing Participation and Governance in Water Resources Management (2005).


  • Is West Virginia v. EPA a Landmark Case?, The Environmental Forum (2023).
  • We Are All Sustainability Lawyers Now, The Environmental Forum forthcoming.
  • Liberating Sustainable Development from its Non-Historical Shackles, 54 Arizona State Law Journal 723 (2022).
  • Making America a Better Place for All: Sustainable Development Recommendations for the Biden Administration, 51 Environmental Law Reporter 10310 (2021).
  • Global Land Risks and Opportunities in Corporate Supply Chains, (2021).
  • Developing a Sustainability Law Course, The Environmental Forum 46-49.
  • Threats of, and Responses to, Agribusiness Land Acquisitions, 4 Business and Human Rights Journal 365-371 (2019).
  • Ending the Tyranny of the Status Quo: Building 21st Century Environmental Law, 32 Pace Environmental Law Review 524 (2015).
  • Federal Greenhouse Gas Control Options from an Enforcement Perspective, 2 San Diego Journal of Climate and Energy 87 (2010).
  • The Rise (And Fall?) of Fundamentalist Federalism, The Environmental Forum (2004).
  • Release Reporting Requirements Under TSCA, FIFRA, OSHA, RCRA, CWA, and CAA,, 27 Environmental Reporter 1250 (1996).
  • Release Reporting Under CERCLA and EPCRA, 27 Environmental Reporter 1117 (1996).


  • Our Profession, The Environmental Forum (January 2010).
  • Tax Credits No Windfall, The Economist (October 24, 2009).


Scott Schang
Contact Information

Worrell 2303B
  • Climate Change
  • Clinical Legal Education
  • Environmental Law & Justice
  • Land Use Law
  • Natural Resources Law
  • Sustainability