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Although Wake Forest University does not offer on campus housing for graduate students, there are many choices of comfortable, affordable housing in Winston-Salem. A great place to start your search is the International Student and Scholar Services Department’s Off-Campus Housing Options page. (Be sure to take note of the tips and warnings.)

Wake Forest University Properties

WFU offers many rental property options for rent that are within easy walking distance of the law school. These properties are typically houses where students will have their own private bedroom, but will share common spaces (kitchen, living area) and bathrooms with other roommates in the home. The terms of these properties tend to be more flexible to align with the school year. Additionally, rent is paid easily each month through your student account. We strongly recommend students who have committed to attending WFU to contact WFU Properties as soon as possible to reserve their room as these properties tend to fill up quickly.

Local Apartments Near Campus

If you are looking for an apartment, there are several popular options near campus. Apartments in the US tend to come unfurnished, but with kitchen appliances (stove, refrigerator, etc.). The following apartment communities are close to the WFU campus and serviced by the WFU shuttles (buses) that offer free transportation to the campus multiple times per day during the academic year. However, these communities may not be within easy walking distance of the University and the free shuttles do not run outside of the normal academic school year or during holiday breaks.