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With an intense workload, competitive environment, and the pressure to perform, law school can at times be demanding and stressful. That’s why we strongly encourage students to take care of themselves, and take advantage of all of the resources and supports that are available to them. 

Mental Health At-a-Glance 

An ABA-sponsored Survey of Law Student Well-Being surveyed 5,400 law students from 39 law schools, finding that, in the past year:

  • 69% of respondents reported that they needed help for emotional or mental health problems
  • 11% of respondents reported having suicidal thoughts
  • 44% of respondents reported they feared seeking help for a mental health issue because of a potential threat to bar admission

Inclusion & Belonging

At Wake Forest Law, welcome and value people from all backgrounds and strive to cultivate spaces where members feel included and connected.    


University Counseling Center
336.758.5273Students can make in-person or online appointments with therapists.
BarCARES919.929.1227A confidential, short-term intervention program provided cost-free.
NC Lawyers Assistance Program704.910.2310
Provides free, confidential, non-disciplinary assistance to lawyers, judges, and law students in addressing mental health issues, including problems with drugs or alcohol.
Wake Forest University Office of Wellbeing336.758.3089Promotes personal and collective wellbeing and reduces harms and barriers to health, safety, and equity.

Office of Student Affairs
336.758.2630 | 336.758.4363