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In addition to being attorneys and teaching at a world-class university, Wake Forest Law Professors Meghan Boone, Marie-Amélie George, and Brenda Gibson all have one thing in common: they all got tenure this year.

However, that’s where their similarities end.

Professor Boone, for example, attended a performing arts school growing up, with no intention to teach. “Starting in seventh grade, most of my classes were theater classes—performance classes, musical theater, and costuming and stage design,” she says. “That’s what I thought I was going to do.”

For Professor George, going into academia was always in the back of her mind, but she wasn’t sure. “I also thought, maybe I’ll enjoy being a lawyer, and I will save myself the grief of doing a PhD,” says Professor George. “I worked as a prosecutor in Miami on domestic violence issues. That was not for me. I tried working in commercial litigation in New York. That also wasn’t the right fit. And I kept going back to topics that I really just wanted to research deeply and write on.”

For Professor Gibson, it was her law school professor who encouraged her to go into teaching. “I initially struggled with legal writing in law school. But once I could get my head wrapped around the formula, I could do it. But my former professor remembered my unwillingness to give up.”

Read more about their lives, scholarship, and journey to tenure.

Interview with Professor Meghan Boone

Interview with Professor Marie-Amélie George

Interview with Professor Brenda Gibson
